Our Community: Meet Andrea


This week I caught up with Andrea after our weekly one to one session to check-in with how her weekly yoga practice is helping to cope with lockdown, insomnia, and juggling work and home life!

How long have you been practising yoga?

I only dabbled before 2016 but since then I’ve been practising yoga in earnest since organising an event for Mental Health Awareness week where Diana led the yoga session. When I fell pregnant two years ago I continued with my practice throughout my pregnancy which was so invaluable.

What’s your non-negotiable?

My weekly one to one session! I immediately de-stress by giving myself an hour on the mat - even if this is just once a week, my husband even notices the difference!

What’s your favourite pose?

My all-time favourite is legs up against the wall (Viparita Karani is the Sanskrit name, I think!) because it helps me with my insomnia problems, I highly recommend this pose before bed to help wind down. Plus, I love plus any kind of twist to release my lower back.

What’s your nemesis pose?

That’s got to be the deep yogi squat (Malasana) - I think my Achilles have shrunk from wearing heels too much!

How has your yoga practice helped during lockdown?

It's helped me get perspective when things start to overwhelm me. I've done some tailored meditation sessions with Diana too and the visualisations and intentions have stayed with me as my coping tools.

How else do you like to take time out and get away from the pressures of work?

I love to read but my last book was an audiobook, The Worry Trick by David A Carbonell. I love spending time with family, I can’t wait to get on the beach when restrictions lift with our 2-year-old daughter and 3 dogs!

What’s your life motto?

There are lots! But a simple one I take from my mum is: "Everything in moderation!'

And I couldn’t agree more with Andrea’s Mum and I can’t believe that Jemima’s now 2 years old, thanks for sharing your practice with us!


Our Community: Meet Sheli